Identity and Baseball follows Steven Souza Jr., a lifelong baseball dreamer. His early years were filled with pure joy and camaraderie, but the competitive pressures of higher-level baseball began to erode his joy. Despite excelling in high school and being drafted by the Washington Nationals, his professional career was plagued by doubts, struggles, and personal setbacks, including substance abuse, and conflicts with his team.

At his lowest point, Brent Lillibridge, a major leaguer, offered Souza friendship, faith, and a new outlook on life. With newfound clarity and purpose, Souza made amends with those he had wronged and sought a second chance in baseball.He returned to the minors, worked hard, and was eventually called up to the majors.

In a memorable rookie year game, Souza made a game-saving diving catch to secure a no-hitter for his pitcher, solidifying his comeback story. Today, Souza and Lillibridge co-own a baseball academy dedicated to helping athletes develop their skills and discover their true identities, drawing inspiration from their own transformative journeys.